Jeff's Favorite Parties
30A Songwriter's Festival
The 30A Songwriter's Festival takes place every year in January all along Hwy 30A and surrounding venues. Sushi by Jeff was the VIP sushi chef in 2015 and 2016, and has been a proud sponsor ever since. Visit 30ASongwriterFestival.com to attend this amazing event.
David Ross's Retirement / World Series Championship Celebration
Imagine Jeff's delight when the retirement party that was already booked for famed baseball player David Ross turned into a World Series Championship celebration after the Cubs finally broke the Curse of the Billy Goat! The Cubs won the World Series, and half of Major League Baseball was there to celebrate. Not only did Chef Jeff surprise David with a Cubs logo sushi platter, but he also became the only person ever to present the World Series trophy made out of sushi to the reigning World Series champions!
Angel Flight Soars
Angel Flight is a fantastic charitable organization of independent pilots that provide advanced medical care and emergency air transportation when you need it the most. Jeff was proud to be a part of this important fundraiser. Visit angelmedflight.com for more information.
Coastal Conservation Alliance Annual Banquet
Sushi by Jeff is now an integral part of this worthy organization's annual banquet held in Watercolor each year providing a massive sushi spread during cocktail hour and silent auction. The CCA of Florida is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Florida's marine resources. Locally, they teamed up with the South Walton Artificial Reef Association to construct the artificial snorkeling reef. Visit CCAofFlorida.com for more information.
Clearly one of my favorite events. This one needs no introduction.